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zzPaint is a portable graphics utility that allows you to make basic modifications to an image.

zzPaint is a portable graphics utility that allows you to make basic modifications to an image.

With zzPaint you can modify different image aspects like pixel inversion, resizing, RGB swapping, image flipping, and format. Additionally, zzPaint also provides you with assorted text/fonts, pens, brushes, and lines to make notations on your images, all with the ability to choose a color or make perfect rectangles/ellipses. It is displayed from a simple UI that is straightforward to utilize. It supports drag n' drop of images, or you can load them the standard way.

As with this author's many screensavers, all of which can be found here, this project will be ever evolving with new settings and features. But for the time being zzPaint is an entirely workable and efficient image editor.
