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ZipGenius can handle more than 20 compressed archive types, so it is a perfet companion for your work and daily activities; but ZipGenius doesn't handle compressed archives, only: it is flexible and expandable so it could almost everything you want from it.
Running out of hard disk space?
Documents spread over you entire system?
Did you get a .zip or .rar file and you don't know what to do?

There is only one answer: ZipGenius!

ZipGenius can handle more than 20 compressed archive types, so it is a perfet companion for your work and daily activities; but ZipGenius doesn't handle compressed archives, only: it is flexible and expandable so it could almost everything you want from it.

ZipGenius is a FREEWARE product, it is absolutely free for everybody and it can be installed in any environment and on an unlimited number of workstations (private, professional/commercial, corporate, educational, government environments are welcome).

By default, ZipGenius comes with English and Italian language but other languages are available.