Zed 0.177.7 released

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A new software update is available: Zed 0.177.7 released

Zed 0.177.7 released

A new version of the Zed editor has been released, featuring integrated Git support, enabling users to view diffs, stage changes, commit, and push directly from the editor. The update features enhancements to Editor::DeleteToBeginningOfLine, the ability to unfold multibuffer excerpts, and the option to toggle inlay hints using modifiers. The update features a copy permalink action for self-hosted GitHub enterprise instances, SSH support for specifying ssh_config files, and the capability to download zed-remote-server using busybox wget. The editor enhances the ZED_WORKTREE_ROOT fallbacks for Zed tasks, optimizes the performance of rendering multibuffers with a significant number of buffers, and updates the bundled JSON schemas for package.json and tsconfig.json. This feature enables users to configure the default Vim mode, addresses the issue of back quotes not being recognized as objects, and introduces the editor::OrganizeImports action to streamline the organization of imports for compatible LSPs. It additionally accommodates clickable file paths formatted in the Odin language.

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