Xleaner Portable

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Xleaner is a free privacy and clean-up utility that allows you to get rid of junk files with ease. With Xleaner you can eliminate all these tracks that result from browsing the web on your computer, such as internet history, cookies, cache, autocomplete memory and more.
Xleaner is a free privacy and clean-up utility that allows you to get rid of junk files with ease. With Xleaner you can eliminate all these tracks that result from browsing the web on your computer, such as internet history, cookies, cache, autocomplete memory etc. of your browser, and window's temp folders, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents and more.


Update Priority: MIDDLE

# Optimized Feature | + New feature | - Removed Feature

+ Added initial support for Windows 8.
# Fixed Translation Bug in connection with the program name (could
possibly be changed in the language file of Xleaner)
# Moved "License/Credits" Menu in "About" tab and redesigned the UI
+ Added cleaning for AudioGrabber, AutoIt 3, Belarc, BitDefender 9,
BlazeDVD 2.0, Boinc, Book Reader, BreezeBrowser Pro, BSPlayer, CA
Anti-Virus, CDex, Centarsia, Chameleon Web Browser, CleanMyPC, CloneCD,
CNET Tech Tracker Backup, CNET Tech Tracker Temp Files, Compare It!,
ConTEXT, ConvertXToDVD
# Improved cleaning for Windows Log Files, WinAmp
# Numerous UI improvements made