KitGuru hat von XFX erfahren, das Käufer der XFX HD6990 Grafikkarten den "OC" Modus ohne Garantieverlust verwenden dürfen.
Laut AMD führt die Verwendung dieses Modus automatisch zu einem Garantieverlust.
Hier das Statement von XFX:
XFX bietet Garantie für HD6990 auch im "OC" Modus
Hier das Statement von XFX:
XFX will warranty the 880Mhz OC Usage as per our usual RMA terms, as long as there is no Consumer Induced Damage etc, as per our usual terms and process for RMA’s…
XFX strongly believe that if you add a performance enhancing switch which allows the end user to ENHANCE THE CARDS PERFORMANCE, WE Believe it is only right to warranty this benefit,
Further to this, if you wish to guarantee total stability of overclocked product, XFX recommend that consumers use our performance range of XFX range of Power supplies, offering our true wattage guarantee, and easyrail technology, with the best pairing being 750w onwards both core and Modular editions.
XFX bietet Garantie für HD6990 auch im "OC" Modus