Xbox 360 HD DVD Addon - Works on Windows XP/ Vista PC's

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360 Insider reports that the HD-DVD drive works fine with Vista. They hooked it up to a PC running Vista RTM, and what do you know, it recognized the drive and it installed without encountering any problem. No messing around with unsupported drivers like the recent XP workaround. Here's how it went for them. Click on the thumbs below to get a better look. Go through them from left to right, it'll make sense that way.

The Xbox 360 HD-DVD has been released and early adopters dissect what the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Addon drive can really do.So far there are Windows XP drivers floating on the net that allow you to view the HD-DVD file structure with the Xbox 360 HD-dvd addon. Users have found that it's possible to play HD-dvd on your PC WinDVD8 Platinum Jp version does it

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