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wxLeakyBin is a free graphical tool designed to identify even the smallest of memory leaks quickly.

wxLeakyBin is a free graphical tool designed to identify even the smallest of memory leaks quickly.

When running, wxLeakyBin permits fine-detail viewing of your system and process memory usage through a graphical interface. It uses a magnified scale factor and can also plot the commit charge for individual processes and the system. It will allow you to detect even small memory leaks that are generally too small for the Task Manager to identify.

wxLeakyBin allows you to visually measure memory usage changes and change rates utilizing markers and linear regression on the graph, which has calibrated grid intervals. You can also set update speeds down to 100ms intervals. This is about 5 times faster than Task Manager.

Having a tool such as wxLeakyBin at your disposal can help you make informed decisions on where to free up RAM depending on the situation, including managing your startup applications, shutting down non-essential apps/programs, and ultimately increasing your virtual memory. An extensive help section is located at the author's site with numerous bits of information and tips to get you started.

How to Use the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool in Windows
How to Check Your Memory (RAM) Speed, Available Slots and More
How to Manage Virtual Memory (Pagefile) in Windows 10
How to How to See the Startup Impact of Apps in Windows
