WinStars 3.0.141

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WinStars 2 is the free version of the popular 3D planetarium simulator that allows you to view the position of celestial objects.

WinStars 2 is the free version of the popular 3D planetarium simulator that allows you to view the position of celestial objects.

WinStars 2 allows you to explore our galaxy and its suburbs. A thread dedicated to scientific news will enable you to follow and to represent in the software the results of the research, which is currently carried out in astrophysics.

It will place two shortcuts on your desktop if you select the option to create a desktop shortcut, one will be for the English version and the other for French (you will also get two menu entries even if you do not create the desktop shortcut).

After installation, if you wish to use the complete version of the software, you will need to select the “Registration” function from the “Help” menu. Even though some of the menu items are grayed out, they do still work.

Enter the following information :

Your name: WINSTARS
Your code: 505117162

A message will confirm to you that you have just activated all the functions of WinStars.
