WinNMP 19.12

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WinNMP is a fast, stable and lightweight portable server stack for PHP MySQL application development on windows, based on the excellent webserver Nginx.

WinNMP is a fast, stable and lightweight portable server stack for PHP MySQL application development on windows, based on the excellent webserver Nginx.

You will find WinNMP to be a lighter alternative to XAMPP and WAMP, with Composer, Adminer, LetsEncrypt certificates, WinSCP, multiple PHP versions, projects, and virtual servers.

Unlike other development stacks, WinNMP doesn't require any additional software and includes all runtime libraries necessary. WinNMP will work out-of-the-box and is safe to install over a previous version, as well as in a folder with spaces or special characters.

WinNMP also supports command line arguments outlined below.

Example shortcut: D:/Work/bin/WinNMP.exe --debug --backup --phpCgiServers=2

-d --debug Display debug messages
-e --editor="notepad.exe" Path to editor to be used to edit configuration files
-s --startServers Starts all the servers in background and minimizes to systray
-k --killAll Kills all running servers and exits
-b --backup Forces automatic daily backups
-l --latestPhp Forces the use of the latest PHP version
-p=n --phpCgiServers=n Forces the number of PHP-CGI Servers, between 1 and 99
-j --hideProjects Hides Projects list at startup
-n --noUpdates Disables weekly Update checks
-w --wwwDir="c:Dir" Custom WWW folder path for projects

Current Package contains:

Nginx 1.17.2 webserver
MariaDB 10.4.6 database server, MySQL 5.5.5 replacement (32/64bit)
Redis 4.0 Cache/NoSql, Memcached alternative (64bit)
Php 5.6.40 & PHP 7.0.33 & PHP 7.2.20 & PHP 7.3.7 scripting language (32/64bit)
XDebug, GeoIP, Gender PHP Extensions
WinSCP SFTP client
HTTPS using free LetsEncrypt certificates
Composer dependency manager for PHP
Adminer web-based database manager
Reg.php regular expressions tester
WinNMP Manager (32/64bit), formerly known as WTServer

WinNMP Features:

Easy to upgrade - Backups, configuration files, database data, including libraries and projects are persistent during upgrades (not overwritten)
A single installer for both x86 and x64 systems, with 32bit and 64bit versions of MariaDB, PHP, and WinNMP Manager
Lightning-fast web server. Optimized for best performance
Tools: MySQL client, PHP console, composer, acmePhp, hostsEditor, putty, mailToDisk
For easy access, all configuration files are stored in one place: WinNMPconf and all log files are stored in one folder: WinNMPlog
Multiple PHP Versions and version switcher. Dynamic number of PHP-CGI processes
The server manager runs minimized in the system tray and monitors, logs and restarts crashed servers, just like PHP-FPM on Linux
Project setup, Local Virtual Servers for projects, Upload, Sync and Browse with WinSCP
Optional database daily backups can be enabled with --backup. Up to 7 backup files will be created per database per weekday
