Wine 1.7.49 steht jetzt zum Download bereit. Mittels Wine können Windows Programme u.a. unter Linux oder OS X ausgeführt werden.

Adobe Photoshop CS6 unter Wine
Was ist neu in dieser Version (Näheres siehe unten):
- DirectWrite ist jetzt gut genug für das Rendern von Text in Steam.
- Eine Reihe von Direct2D Verbesserungen.
- Einige weitere OpenMP-Funktionen.
- Unterstützung für Namespaces im IDL-Compiler.
- Diverse Bugfixes.
Wine kann hier heruntergeladen werden:

Installation mit PlayOnLinux unter Ubuntu Linux
Alternativ besteht die Möglichkeit Wine auch mittels PlayOnLinux bzw. PlayOnMac zu installieren
Hier eine Übersicht aller Bugfixes in 1.7.49:
8277 Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer and other tools show zero thread start address (NtQueryInformationThread with ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class)
17044 Microsoft OneNote 2007 "Insert Audio Recording" doesn't work
20521 Nocturnal Illusion crashes
22206 Mig Alley Flight Simulator (1999) crashes due to unimplemented msvcirt.dll.??0ios@@IAE@XZ
23407 Death to Spies Moment of Truth: character bodies (player and NPCs) are invisible
26379 Multiple games crash on unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeNormals (Gamestudio Venice, Nvidia hdr demo, Fritz 11, XCOM, Cities XL)
27145 Weapons Translucent Like Glass in FEAR 1 and 2.
28916 Spellforce 2 Gold - wrong drawing order of surfaces
31051 HttpQueryInfo() erroneously ignores lpdwIndex argument for some info levels
31374 Steam text invisible with dwrite.dll enabled
31640 hugin's enfuse.exe crashes without native vcomp100.dll (purist)
32637 Some VST plugins that used to work with dssi-vst now fail
33165 Star Conflict crash at startup
33724 Aliwangwang needs unimplemented function atl100.dll.AtlAxCreateControlLicEx
36087 SpinTires crashes when applying settings in windowed mode
36915 Among the Sleep crashes when starting a new game (Oculusplugin.dll needs to be disabled)
37583 Trion's Glyph MMO manager crashes on unimplemented function msvcr110.dll.?_GetConcurrency@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ
38004 Multiple games crashes with unimplemented function x3daudio1_7.dll.X3DAudioInitialize
38197 Singles 2 crash at start
38262 Warframe Update Fails!
38508 Multiple applications need 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid' registry key present (Wizard 101 UK downloader)
38613 Multiple games (Witcher3 Wild Hunt, Schein, The Emptiness) need vcomp110.dll
38828 Cerbero PE Insider 1.0.2 crashes on unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.UnDecorateSymbolNameW when viewing export directory
38861 Carbon Poker crashes at startup
38935 CocosStudio1.6 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes when starting (needs 'Win32_DesktopMonitor' WMI class with 'PixelsPerXLogicalInch' property)
38947 Cities XL Platinum crashes while loading to the menu, needs vcomp.dll._vcomp_for_dynamic_init
38949 Free Falcon 5.x/6.x configuration editor segfaults on start (loader must take invalid IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY values into account)
38989 ShowShifter (obsoleted A/V application) fails to start with built-in msvcp60
39008 Trion Worlds 'Trove' (Voxel MMO) crashes on startup (missing UTC timezone information)
39015 Steam crashes shortly after login when DirectWrite is enabled
39017 64-bit Lexmark X2670 All-in-One printer driver installation fails (missing pragma pack directive in 'digitalv.h' causes structure layout mismatch between 'MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW' and 'MCI_OPEN_PARMSW')

Adobe Photoshop CS6 unter Wine
Was ist neu in dieser Version (Näheres siehe unten):
- DirectWrite ist jetzt gut genug für das Rendern von Text in Steam.
- Eine Reihe von Direct2D Verbesserungen.
- Einige weitere OpenMP-Funktionen.
- Unterstützung für Namespaces im IDL-Compiler.
- Diverse Bugfixes.
Wine kann hier heruntergeladen werden:

Installation mit PlayOnLinux unter Ubuntu Linux
Alternativ besteht die Möglichkeit Wine auch mittels PlayOnLinux bzw. PlayOnMac zu installieren
Hier eine Übersicht aller Bugfixes in 1.7.49:
8277 Windows Sysinternals Process Explorer and other tools show zero thread start address (NtQueryInformationThread with ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress info class)
17044 Microsoft OneNote 2007 "Insert Audio Recording" doesn't work
20521 Nocturnal Illusion crashes
22206 Mig Alley Flight Simulator (1999) crashes due to unimplemented msvcirt.dll.??0ios@@IAE@XZ
23407 Death to Spies Moment of Truth: character bodies (player and NPCs) are invisible
26379 Multiple games crash on unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXComputeNormals (Gamestudio Venice, Nvidia hdr demo, Fritz 11, XCOM, Cities XL)
27145 Weapons Translucent Like Glass in FEAR 1 and 2.
28916 Spellforce 2 Gold - wrong drawing order of surfaces
31051 HttpQueryInfo() erroneously ignores lpdwIndex argument for some info levels
31374 Steam text invisible with dwrite.dll enabled
31640 hugin's enfuse.exe crashes without native vcomp100.dll (purist)
32637 Some VST plugins that used to work with dssi-vst now fail
33165 Star Conflict crash at startup
33724 Aliwangwang needs unimplemented function atl100.dll.AtlAxCreateControlLicEx
36087 SpinTires crashes when applying settings in windowed mode
36915 Among the Sleep crashes when starting a new game (Oculusplugin.dll needs to be disabled)
37583 Trion's Glyph MMO manager crashes on unimplemented function msvcr110.dll.?_GetConcurrency@details@Concurrency@@YAIXZ
38004 Multiple games crashes with unimplemented function x3daudio1_7.dll.X3DAudioInitialize
38197 Singles 2 crash at start
38262 Warframe Update Fails!
38508 Multiple applications need 'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Cryptography\MachineGuid' registry key present (Wizard 101 UK downloader)
38613 Multiple games (Witcher3 Wild Hunt, Schein, The Emptiness) need vcomp110.dll
38828 Cerbero PE Insider 1.0.2 crashes on unimplemented function dbghelp.dll.UnDecorateSymbolNameW when viewing export directory
38861 Carbon Poker crashes at startup
38935 CocosStudio1.6 (.NET 4.0 app) crashes when starting (needs 'Win32_DesktopMonitor' WMI class with 'PixelsPerXLogicalInch' property)
38947 Cities XL Platinum crashes while loading to the menu, needs vcomp.dll._vcomp_for_dynamic_init
38949 Free Falcon 5.x/6.x configuration editor segfaults on start (loader must take invalid IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY values into account)
38989 ShowShifter (obsoleted A/V application) fails to start with built-in msvcp60
39008 Trion Worlds 'Trove' (Voxel MMO) crashes on startup (missing UTC timezone information)
39015 Steam crashes shortly after login when DirectWrite is enabled
39017 64-bit Lexmark X2670 All-in-One printer driver installation fails (missing pragma pack directive in 'digitalv.h' causes structure layout mismatch between 'MCI_DGV_OPEN_PARMSW' and 'MCI_OPEN_PARMSW')