Windows Update PowerShell Module is designed for advanced users to manage Windows Updates on your computer.
Windows Update PowerShell Module is designed for advanced users to manage Windows Updates on your computer.Windows Update PowerShell Module contains a collection of scripts to check, download and install or remove updates from local machines. Particularly useful on computers in core edition.The module can be installed manually by downloading the zip file and extracting in two places:%USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules%WINDIR%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ModulesThe files included are named to tell you what they do including:Add-WUOfflineSyncAdd-WUServiceManagerGet-WUHistoryGet-WUInstallGet-WUInstallerStatusGet-WUListHide-WUUpdateInvoke-WUInstallGet-WURebootStatusGet-WUServiceManagerGet-WUUninstallRemove-WUOfflineSyncRemove-WUServiceManager Update-WUModule Because this uses PowerShell, popular with geeks, IT and other computer administrators, you won't find a graphical user interface. Only advanced users, with PowerShell knowledge, should use this. Otherwise, we have an entire category for Windows update issues here.Download