Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26120.3360 (Dev and Beta Channels) released

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A new Windows 11 update is available: Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26120.3360 (Dev and Beta Channels) released

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26120.3360 (Dev and Beta Channels) released

Microsoft has released Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26120.3360 to Windows Insiders in both the Dev and Beta Channels. The latest build presents enhancements including the ability to customize lock screen widgets and the introduction of a new group policy titled "Disable Widgets On Lock Screen." The policy enables IT administrators to deactivate lock screen widgets while maintaining the functionality of widgets in other areas on the managed PCs. The task manager now computes CPU utilization utilizing standard metrics, featuring a new optional column labeled CPU Utility for backward compatibility. Windows Share now enables users to share directly with applications that support sharing in Windows by right-clicking on local files in File Explorer or on the desktop. This update addresses concerns related to File Explorer Home, Taskbar, Remote Desktop, Settings, and OneDrive files.

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