Windows 10 Reboot Blocker 2.5

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Windows 10 Reboot Blocker is a free app designed for blocking the auto-reboot on Windows 10 machines.

Windows 10 Reboot Blocker is a free app designed for blocking the auto-reboot on Windows 10 machines.

Your Windows 10 machine needs to have at minimum the Windows 10 Anniversary edition as this was when the Active Hours option came into play. RebootBlocker revamps this option by adjusting the time-period of Active Hours each hour. What this does is make Active Hours always on while your machine is running. Windows 10 Reboot Blocker works by installing a service that automatically manages the time-period changes for Active Hours to keep them active, thus preventing a reboot.

Windows 10 Reboot Blocker is a simple way to stop annoying reboots automatically. Keep in mind that with this app, there is no UI provided. If you would like to double-check that it is currently running on your machine, you will need to do so through the Task Manager.

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