Window Center and Resizer 1.0.2

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Window Center & Resizer simplifies window management by providing a modern and intuitive user interface along with advanced features such as the ability to customize window sizes and positions.

Window Center and Resizer 1.0.2

Window Center & Resizer simplifies window management by providing a modern and intuitive user interface along with advanced features such as the ability to customize window sizes and positions. It offers multiple customization options, allowing users to tailor their window management experience to fit their specific preferences.

Keyboard Shortcuts
Window Center & Resizer is useful for centering and resizing windows on your desktop. It offers customizable keyboard shortcuts for easy window manipulation. This project is based on the Electron React Boilerplate, which provides a reliable foundation for Electron and React development.

Easy Window Resizing and Centering
Window Center & Resizer features include the ability to promptly center the active window on your screen and resize it to predefined sizes such as small, medium, and large. Additionally, it allows users to customize keyboard shortcuts and keybinds, enabling them to quickly set up their preferred key combinations for centering and resizing windows.

Window Center & Resizer will prove to be a valuable tool for improving desktop organization and efficiency. If you're tired of constantly rearranging and resizing windows to keep your desktop organized, give this app a try.

Window Center & Resizer Usage:

Center Window: Press the specified key combination to center the active window.
Resize Window: Press the specified key combination to resize the active window to small, medium, or large sizes.
Customization: Edit the settings.json file to customize keybinds and window sizes.

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Window Center and Resizer 1.0.2