Winamp Skins is a collection of 160 skins for Winamp that still work with the latest release including Winamp Lite and Winamp Full.

Winamp Skins is a collection of 160 skins for Winamp that still work with the latest release including Winamp Lite and Winamp Full.
These skins were discovered by Mike, a friend of MajorGeeks who recently found these 160 skins on a backup drive. With interest in Winamp resurging after the beta release, we thought our readers would enjoy these.
You'll have to try these out by looking at the names and seeing what they are and what you like. All the files are in WAL or WSZ extensions, and according to Mike, double-click any of these to change to the new skin.
VirusTotal does come up with some false positives, but these have been tested clean, as always, by us by numerous independent antivirus and antimalware apps. We assume some AV programs don't recognize the extensions. All AV programs claim a different infection which only reinforces the fact that they don't know what these files are and defaulted to using heuristics. (that means they guessed)
