Webcam Security is designed to monitor built-in webcams with options for enabling/disabling it for an added layer of control and privacy.
Webcam Security is designed to monitor built-in webcams with options for enabling/disabling it for an added layer of control and privacy.The author is security and privacy conscious and decided to make sure that no video, still images, sound, etc., was taken without consent. Webcam Security is a new and improved version of Secure Webcam which utilizes the default Microsoft Windows webcam hardware drivers and checks the webcam in streaming mode, not a still screenshot, and adds it to a list then will select your default webcam from the list.Webcam Security is simple to use via the drop-down menus. And there is no configuration just check your webcam or enable/disable it. Webcam Security Features:-Check Webcam Function -No PayPal Donations SPAM -Easy To Use -Very Lightweight -User Elevation -Disable any Webcam Hardware -Works with all kinds of HIPS Protection -Icons & Sound Effects -All Software Bugs fixed -Webcam Driver Immunizer-Transparent Graphical User Interface-Webcam Device Input Box (Bug fix)-Windows 10 Full CompatibilityDownload