WeatherInfo provides weather data for your current location or any place you choose.
WeatherInfo provides weather data for your current location or any place you choose.
When you first use WeatherInfo, it will attempt to detect your location, if it is unable or you want data for another locale you have the option to choose a country and a city.
WeatherInfo displays the current temperature as a tray icon. You can customize the font and colors, and you have the choice to use metric or imperial units. There is also a quick link to Google maps to view the weather area. The information provided is comprehensive touching most areas of interest as far as the weather conditions like current day's temp, relative humidity, wind speed/direction, air pressure, visibility, and cloud coverage. You also are given the map coordinates (lat/long) and the time zone location for your area of choice.
WeatherInfo also includes a scrollable five-day forecast as well as a detailed overview for each of the forecasted days.