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W10Privacy can display typical Windows 10 security settings that can be activated as well as deactivated within the program. It also allows importing and exporting of your changes. Video tutorial available.
W10Privacy can display typical Windows 10 security settings that can be activated as well as deactivated within the program. It also allows importing and exporting of your changes. Video tutorial available.

While there are a lot of Windows 10 privacy tools out there, many of them lack the detail this program has. Of course, this means that it might take you a bit longer to go through your choices.

For those who don’t want to go into detail, you can choose from 3 predefined settings. While the design is straightforward, there are also three colors so that you can quickly spot these three settings:

- Green - Recommended - this is a conservative mode.
- Yellow - Conditionally recommended - probably the best bet but review the choices.
- Red - Restricted - think of this as geek mode. Better know what you're doing. Must run as administrator.

Also, other similar apps don’t always have a back or set a restore point making them a bit scary. This program, however, does offer a save, save as and load options so you can backup and import or export your settings any time.

W10Privacy has a built-in update checker and a handful of user settings as well.
