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VT4Browsers is the official free browser extension for Chrome and Firefox to scan suspicious files or links using the Virustotal service.
VT4Browsers is the official free browser extension for Chrome and Firefox to scan suspicious files or links using the Virustotal service.

Once installed, the web browser icon is the familiar VirusTotal logo that is easy to spot. Click on the icon and consider your settings first. VirusTotal wants you to be aware of the options enabled by default when installing VT4Browsers for the first time:

Scan downloads. The extension will automatically submit to VirusTotal any files you download that are not filtered out by other more granular settings. For non-executable files, it will offer a prompt to confirm the upload to VT4Browsers will be displayed.
Don’t scan documents. The extension WILL NOT automatically submit to VirusTotal any documents you open or download (DOCX, DOC, XLS, XLSX, PDF, etc.).
Send anonymous, passive DNS data. The extension will share with VirusTotal domain name IP address mappings for any DNS resolutions that your browser performs. VirusTotal WILL NOT link these resolutions to your user or any other piece of information that could identify you.

Once you save your settings, you can let VT4Browsers do its job. You will see small popup windows notifying you of the status. You can view the report or details as needed.

VT4Browsers adds a layer of security for anyone who downloads, surfs the web, or receives documents regularly.
