VOVSOFT Webcam Capture 1.6

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VOVSOFT Webcam Capture enables you to monitor and modify display properties of your webcam.

VOVSOFT Webcam Capture enables you to monitor and modify display properties of your webcam.

It can monitor up to two cameras and is intended to be a simple but useful tool. It includes some predefined display options to change the view and feel of the feed like Gray Scale, Inverted Colors, Surveillance Mode, Highlighted Differences and a few others. You also have control over the VCP (Virtual Control Panel) settings to help with the displayability of a particular webcam's feed by upping contrast, brightness, etc.

Once you have VOVSOFT Webcam Capture installed, it should locate and display the webcam(s) in a drop-down menu from there you click the play button, and your feed should be live. It can also capture a picture from the feed and save it for later use.
