Vovsoft Compare Two Lists 1.2

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Vovsoft Compare Two Lists is an easy-to-use tool that compares the differences between two lists of text documents.

Vovsoft Compare Two Lists is an easy-to-use tool that compares the differences between two lists of text documents.

Operation of Compare Two Lists is straightforward; copy and paste your target lists, then click the Compare button. It will then promptly display the differences between them. You can compare multiple lists without having to rewrite Excel functions to perform the task. It works only for .txt files.

Vovsoft Compare Two Lists provides you with an option to compare lists for duplicates helping to eliminate time spent doing it manually especially for larger .txt documents. It is not overly complicated to use so it will benefit even the more novice of users.

Vovsoft Compare Two Lists Features:

Set Intersections
Set Unions
Set Differences
Case-sensitive or case-insensitive comparison
