Billy "Wicked" Wilson, founder of VoodooExtreme, has turned his back on VE due to who knows. His new project is called GamingGroove and very similar to VE... We're going to be doing something a tad bit different than at that 'other' site, we're going to give our posters a chance to fill in time slots that they would like to -- we do have a schedule, but it's flexible, and most want to try, at one point or another, a different time slot. We'll see how that works out. I'll continue to do the first post of the morning, but don't be surprised if another jumps right on after me. Other than that, the launch went better than I could have hoped for, not too many bitches, which is a good thing. So, let's get back to doing what we enjoy (no, leave the dead horse out of this)... GamingGroove