Bjorn3D checked out the VisionTek SSD RAID 0 (900512)
A quote from the article:
A quote from the article:
We?ve been waiting the better part of a decade for SSD prices to drop and they have dropped somewhat. Often you find yourself a little cash strapped and can't afford one of those infernally expensive PCI-E drives where you sign a contract to send your left arm in exchange for the drive. Hardware RAID is usually just out of reach of the average consumer and while hardware RAID cards are great they soon become outdated and an expensive paperweight.VisionTek SSD RAID 0 Review (900512) @ Bjorn3D
We got together with the good folks over at VisionTek and they were kind enough to send us a second VisionTek Go Drive. You can peek at the VisionTek Single Drive Review but we'll be recreating some of it here so you don't have to jump back and forth.