Virt, Pythom, Firefox, and more updates for Oracle Linux

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A new Oracle Linux update is available: Virt, Pythom, Firefox, and more updates for Oracle Linux

Virt, Pythom, Firefox, and more updates for Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux has received several security updates, including virt:ol and virt-devel:rhel, python3.12, gtk3, xmlsec1, llvm-toolset:ol8, firefox, ruby:3.3, net-snmp, osbuild-composer, git-lfs, kernel, expat, emacs, nano, firewalld, glibc, libuser, avahi, blktrace, libldb, stunnel, gnome-keyring, dovecot, edk2, samba, python3, findutils, libX11, cloud-init, python3.11, container-tools:ol8, tigervnc, firefox, and pacemaker: ELSA-2024-6964 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 virt:ol and virt-devel:rhel security update ELSA-2024-6961 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.12 security update ELSA-2024-6963 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 gtk3 security update ELBA-2024-6967 Oracle Linux 8 xmlsec1 bug fix update ELBA-2024-6966 Oracle Linux 8 llvm-toolset:ol8 bug fix and enhancement update ELSA-2024-5324 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update (aarch64) ELSA-2024-6785 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 ruby:3.3 security update ELSA-2024-7260 Moderate: Oracle Linux 9 net-snmp security update ELSA-2024-7204 Important: Oracle Linux 9 osbuild-composer security update ELSA-2024-7135 Important: Oracle Linux 8 git-lfs security update ELSA-2024-7000 Important: Oracle Linux 8 kernel security update ELSA-2024-6989 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 expat security update ELSA-2024-6987 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 emacs security update ELSA-2024-6986 Low: Oracle Linux 8 nano security update ELBA-2024-6984 Oracle Linux 8 firewalld bug fix and enhancement update ELBA-2024-6988 Oracle Linux 8 glibc bug fix update ELBA-2024-6983 Oracle Linux 8 libuser bug fix and enhancement update ELBA-2024-6985 Oracle Linux 8 avahi bug fix update ELBA-2024-6982 Oracle Linux 8 blktrace bug fix update ELBA-2024-6981 Oracle Linux 8 libldb bug fix update ELBA-2024-6979 Oracle Linux 8 stunnel bug fix update ELBA-2024-6972 Oracle Linux 8 gnome-keyring bug fix update ELSA-2024-6973 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 dovecot security update ELBA-2024-6971 Oracle Linux 8 edk2 bug fix and enhancement update ELBA-2024-6978 Oracle Linux 8 samba bug fix update ELSA-2024-6975 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3 security update ELBA-2024-6976 Oracle Linux 8 findutils bug fix update ELBA-2024-6974 Oracle Linux 8 libX11 bug fix update ELBA-2024-6970 Oracle Linux 8 cloud-init bug fix and enhancement update ELSA-2024-6962 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 python3.11 security update ELSA-2024-6969 Moderate: Oracle Linux 8 container-tools:ol8 security update ELBA-2024-6968 Oracle Linux 8 tigervnc bug fix update ELSA-2024-5324 Important: Oracle Linux 7 firefox security update ELBA-2024-6965 Oracle Linux 8 pacemaker bug fix update

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