OCworkbench sent over this guide last month and as I was busy I forget all about until recently! so here goes: This guide applies to all socket A processors that have L3 multiplier locked, which include Applebreds, Thortons, Bartons and Throughbreds.
As you should be aware AMD started locking all of its cpu, except Athlon 64 FX. That means our happy socket A days are a bit doomed, or were, the solution to this problem isn't as easy as it should be, but at least now it's possible to change multiplier in locked cpu. The problem posed to us overclockers is that our dear 2500+ bartons were the first to become multi locked from factory. Tough they can, and still are, overclocked to 3200+ simply by changing FSB from 333 to 400, some bartons tend to be excellent overclockers and 2.4GHz+ are possible with these cpus, and not all of us have ram and boards that handle +200MHz.
Since they became factory locked, many started to look for solutions to re-enable L3 bridges, but no pin as been discovered as re-enabling this, maybe L3´s simply aren't connected the way they were before, which left us with no solution.
But AMD forgot (thankfully) to lock the L5 bridges which lets us change our cpu to a mobile XP or a Athlon with MP support.
Luckily, one of OCW members, Petr, has made a software that allows chipsets that support mobile AMDs to change multiplier in windows...
Unlocking a week 39 or later AMD CPU
As you should be aware AMD started locking all of its cpu, except Athlon 64 FX. That means our happy socket A days are a bit doomed, or were, the solution to this problem isn't as easy as it should be, but at least now it's possible to change multiplier in locked cpu. The problem posed to us overclockers is that our dear 2500+ bartons were the first to become multi locked from factory. Tough they can, and still are, overclocked to 3200+ simply by changing FSB from 333 to 400, some bartons tend to be excellent overclockers and 2.4GHz+ are possible with these cpus, and not all of us have ram and boards that handle +200MHz.
Since they became factory locked, many started to look for solutions to re-enable L3 bridges, but no pin as been discovered as re-enabling this, maybe L3´s simply aren't connected the way they were before, which left us with no solution.
But AMD forgot (thankfully) to lock the L5 bridges which lets us change our cpu to a mobile XP or a Athlon with MP support.
Luckily, one of OCW members, Petr, has made a software that allows chipsets that support mobile AMDs to change multiplier in windows...
Unlocking a week 39 or later AMD CPU