Tweak-8 1.0.1070

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Tweak-8 is all you need to tweak, customize and optimize Windows 8.

Tweak-8 is all you need to tweak, customize and optimize Windows 8. From startmenu, to desktop tweaks, from taskbar customization to system tweaks.Features: System optimization: Optimize your system with the included system tweaks, registry cleanup, and registry defragmentation System cleanup: Cleanup your system and remove unneeded files, unneeded system update backups, temporary files and a lot more System tweaking: Tweak your system with hidden and usually inaccessible system hacks System customization: Customize your system with hundreds of special customization tweaks System information: Access detailed system information, product keys, hard disk information, network bandwidth information System memory optimization: Optimize your system's physical memory with the included memory optimizer System restrictions: Easily restrict access to applications, system features, taskbar, start screen System tweak migration: Export and transfer your tweaks to other machines