Trout provides you with a straightforward no-frills portable audio player.

Trout provides you with a straightforward no-frills portable audio player.
It is super-simple-to-use and supports drag n' dropping of music files as well as the standard add file and can be used to play an audio CD as well. Trout supports a large format list and includes a few customization options like hotkeys, font & color changes for example. A nice and simple audio player for playing tunes without needing to navigate through a complex setup just to listen to some music.
Supported audio formats (standard): AIFF, AIF, AIFC, MP1, MP2, MP3, OGA, OGG, WAV, MO3, XM, MOD, S3M, IT, MTM.
Supported audio formats (with included plugins): FLAC, WMA, WMP, WMV, ASF, MID, MIDI, RMI, KAR, WV, WVC, AAC, MP4, M4A, M4B, M4P, APE, AC3, SPX, TTA, OFR, MPC, ALAC, OPUS.
Basic freeDB support for audio CD track titles.
Support for internet radio streams.
Supported tag formats: ID3v1, ID3v2.2/3/4, OGG/FLAC Vorbis comments, WMA, APEv2, MP4/ALAC/AAC (not available under 9x/ME)
WinampAPI support for external control and display.
Commandline parameters for external control (/play, /stop, /prev, /next, & /mute).
Extremely customizable hotkey system.
Track announcements (ideal for audiobooks)
Basic album art support (folder.jpg)
Horizontal/vertical “minibar” controls.
Toaster style popup.
Play modes (Play file, playlist, repeat file, repeat list, random, shuffle).
Simple tag editing (not available under 9x/ME). and scrobbling support.
Lyrics window (Lyrics from
