Tron 11.1.4

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Tron is an Open Source script that includes a collection of Windows batch files specifically to run tools for scanning, disinfection, and cleanup of your machine.
Tron is an Open Source script that includes a collection of Windows batch files specifically to run tools for scanning, disinfection, and cleanup of your machine.

It works through multiple stages, each containing some known tools to help repair your Windows system that may be running poorly from bloat, infections, etc. Tron aims to automate a large percentage of the work required to disinfect, remove bloatware, and clean your PC. This is a must-have for anyone to keep on a USB flash drive and will prove extremely effective to repair and rid of almost anything that makes your machine sick. It is not a quick fix, so expect to spend a little time using it, but your machine is worth it!

After running, configurable logs are saved to C:\Logstrontron.log

Stage One
Prep: rkill, ProcessKiller, TDSSKiller, Stinger, registry backup, WMI repair, sysrestore clean, oldest VSS set purge, create pre-run System Restore point, SMART disk check, NTP time sync

Stage Two
Tempclean: TempFileCleanup, CCleaner, BleachBit, backup & clear event logs, Windows Update cache cleanup, Internet Explorer cleanup, USB device cleanup

Stage Three
De-bloat: remove OEM bloatware; a customizable list is in resourcesstage_2_de-bloatoem; Metro OEM debloat (Win8/8.1/2012 only)

Stage Four
Disinfect: Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, Sophos Virus Removal Tool, Malwarebytes, DISM image check (Win8/2012 only)

Stage Five
Repair: Registry permissions reset, Filesystem permissions reset, SFC /scannow, chkdsk (if necessary)

Stage Six
Patch: Updates 7-Zip, Java, and Adobe Flash/Reader and disables nag/update screens (uses some of our PDQ packs); then installs any pending Windows updates.

Stage Seven
Optimize: page file reset, defrag %SystemDrive% (usually C: skipped if the system drive is an SSD)

Stage Eight
Wrap-up: Send job completion email report (if configured; specify SMTP settings in resourcesstage_7_wrap-upemail_reportSwithMailSettings.xml

Stage Nine
Manual stuff: Additional tools that can't currently be automated (ComboFix, AdwCleaner, aswMBR, autoruns, etc.)

Command-line use is fully supported. All flags are optional and can be used simultaneously.*

tron.bat [ [-a|-asm] -c -d -dev -e -er -m -o -p -r -sa -sap -scs -sdb -sd -sdc
-sdu -se -sk -sl -sm -sap -spr -ss -str -swu -swo -udl -v -x] | [-h]

-a Automatic mode (no prompts; implies -e)
-asm Automatic mode (no prompts; implies -e; reboots to Safe Mode first)
-c Config dump (show config. Can be used with other flags to see what
WOULD happen, but the script will never execute if this flag is used)
-d Dry run (run through the script without executing any jobs)
-dev Override OS detection (allow running on unsupported Windows versions)
-e Accept EULA (suppress disclaimer warning screen)
-er Email a report when finished. Requires you to configure SwithMailSettings.xml
-m Preserve OEM Metro apps (don't remove them)
-np Skip the pause at the end of the script
-o Power off after running (overrides -r)
-p Preserve power settings (don't reset to Windows default)
-r Reboot (auto-reboot 15 seconds after completion)
-sa Skip ALL antivirus scans (KVRT, MBAM, SAV)
-sap Skip application patches (don't patch 7-Zip, Java Runtime, or Adobe Flash)
-scs Skip custom scripts (does not effect if you haven't supplied custom scripts)
-sdb Skip de-bloat (OEM bloatware removal; implies -m)
-sd Skip defragging (force Tron ALWAYS to skip Stage 5 defrag)
-sdc Skip DISM Cleanup (SxS component store deflation)
-sdu Skip debloat update. Prevent Tron from auto-updating the S2 debloat lists
-se Skip Event Log clear (don't back up and clear Windows Event Logs)
-sk Skip Kaspersky Virus Rescue Tool (KVRT) scan
-sm Skip Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (MBAM) installation
-spr Skip page file settings reset (don't set to "Let Windows manage the page file")
-ss Skip Sophos Anti-Virus (SAV) scan
-str Skip Telemetry Removal (turn off Telemetry instead of removing it)
-swu Skip Windows Updates entirely (ignore both WSUS Offline and online methods)
-swo Skip user-supplied WSUS Offline updates (if they exist; online updates still attempted)
-udl Upload debug logs. Send tron.log and the system GUID dump to the Tron developer
-v Verbose. Show as much output as possible. NOTE: Significantly slower!
-x Self-destruct. Tron deletes itself after running and leaves logs intact

Misc flags (must be used alone):
-h Display this help text
* There is probably no -UPM flag

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