HiTech Legion tried the Transcend SSD370 256GB SSD
A quote from the article:
It seems like no matter what you are purchasing there are always many various levels of quality, prices, and performance. I know I personally get stuck desiring the top of the line everything and my spouse gets a little upset about this since we end up spending extra money at times. Sometimes I know she is right when it comes to some things and it normally comes down to balancing what I can spend versus what I desire. I am sure that this is a common problem for many people and sometimes we need to take the advice of others to get something that is the right fit for the job.Transcend SSD370 256GB SSD Review @ HiTech Legion
I find that this is even more important in the world of computers, because many times the items are expensive and non-returnable. This is an area that I often end up giving advice to friends and family about and the first question I tend to ask is what are you planning on doing with the equipment. From that answer, I make suggestions on what would work best for them. In the case of SSDs, though, it is just a matter of finding the right performance versus price. Thankfully, many manufacturers are making mainstream drives that are affordable for everyone and have some decent performance numbers.