TP-Link Archer C2300 Wireless Router Review

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APH Networks takes a look at the TP-Link Archer C2300 Wireless Router

A quote from the article:
The TP-Link Archer C2300 brings a similar aesthetic and firmware from other Archer models, but its performance could be improved upon even relative to its speed specification.

As I have been helping out in our church's junior high school youth group for the past few years, I have learned it can be important to use the same medium to talk to he group, especially as it will probably be different from what you use or what you used to use at their age. Nowadays, the majority of the youth in our group are not on Facebook or Snapchat, but are instead using Instagram. To me, this seemed quite strange, especially as Instagram seems to be focused on sharing images and videos rather than communicating with your friends. Sure, there might be a messaging feature, but it definitely is not as full featured. Of course, some of my gaming teens are using Discord for voice and text chat. In my days, I really valued the chat aspect, as my other family members would often be on the phone. Thus, my go to application was MSN Messenger. For me, getting a girl's username then was the equivalent of getting her phone number, but I digress. Even now, I am still using Skype on a daily basis for chat, though only a few of my friends are actually on it. If there is one common thing about all my ways to keep in contact with people, it is the fact they all require Internet access, which is something today's product will help you. Today, we have the TP-Link Archer AC2300, which seemingly looks like a down-sized version of the Archer C3150. What is this device capable of, and will it be capable in keeping me connected with my friends? Read on to find out!

 TP-Link Archer C2300 Wireless Router Review