Tim Sweeney, Epic Games, 3D Graphics Interview

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With the recent release of Epic?s Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo we thought we?d catch up the Unreal?s engine developer Tim Sweeney at Beyond3D. We ask Tim on his thoughts on the current generation of 3D graphics technologies, what he expects to see in the future and how that will be useful for games development. Fundamental architectural improvements due to PCI-Express will likely have to wait for the next major Microsoft OS release to be widely utilized by games and by video drivers. But in the meantime, it's a great platform improvement, allowing another decade of significant performance scaling just as AGP reaches its limits. I'm also looking forward to it as a geek toy, being able to buy high-end PC's with two PCI-Express graphics slots and plug in two high-end video cards.

Tim Sweeney, Epic Games, 3D Graphics Interview