Thunderbird, PostgreSQL, Gatekeeper, and more updates for RHEL

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A new Red Hat Linux update has been published. Thunderbird, PostgreSQL, Gatekeeper, and more updates for RHEL

Thunderbird, PostgreSQL, Gatekeeper, and more updates for RHEL

Red Hat Enterprise Linux has been updated with several security enhancements, including updates for Thunderbird, PostgreSQL:12, Gatekeeper v3.17.2, OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.56, kpatch-patch-4_18_0-553, kpatch-patch-5_14_0-503_15_1, kpatch-patch-5_14_0-503_26_1, OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.49 packages, kernel-rt, OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.21 bug fix, and Cryostat 4.0.0: RHSA-2025:3036: Important: thunderbird security update RHSA-2025:3050: Important: postgresql:12 security update RHSA-2025:3051: Important: Gatekeeper v3.17.2 RHSA-2025:2700: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.56 security update RHSA-2025:3049: Important: kpatch-patch-4_18_0-553, kpatch-patch-4_18_0-553_16_1, kpatch-patch-4_18_0-553_30_1, and kpatch-patch-4_18_0-553_40_1 security update RHSA-2025:3048: Important: kpatch-patch-5_14_0-503_15_1 and kpatch-patch-5_14_0-503_26_1 security update RHSA-2025:2712: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.49 packages and security update RHSA-2025:2710: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.49 bug fix and security update RHSA-2025:3024: Important: kernel-rt security update RHSA-2025:2696: Important: OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.21 bug fix and security update RHSA-2025:3018: Moderate: Red Hat build of Cryostat 4.0.0: new RHEL 9 container image security update

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