The only fork ever created to make you stop eating. It talks to you, too.
Okay well it doesn’t actually say, “Put the food down, you fatty!” but it does vibrate to let you know it is concerned with your food intake speed. Let me explain.
The HAPIFork (created by HAPILABS and unveiled at today’s CES) is a very smart fork. It can tell when you are being a pig and let’s you know it doesn’t like it. According to HAPILABS, you should feel full after about twenty minutes of steady eating. So when the fork senses you have shoveled one too many bites of pie into your mouth, it vibrates, encouraging you to put the fork down.

HAPIFork then relays your eating habits to your smartphone, tablet, or computer and tracks your progress, or lack there off. Not only that, you can also integrate HAPIFork into any social media outlet for all sorts embarrassing fun. But wait, there’s more! This fork will also kindly offer weightless suggestions! How thoughtful. And not to worry, the electronic handle detaches from the rest of the fork so you can clean it with ease.
You will find this smart fork on Kickstarter in March if all goes well. For $99 you can purchase a USB version (available in five colors!), whereas the wireless one will not be up for sale until 2014.
What else could you possibly want from a fork?
The Smartest Fork In The World.
Okay well it doesn’t actually say, “Put the food down, you fatty!” but it does vibrate to let you know it is concerned with your food intake speed. Let me explain.
The HAPIFork (created by HAPILABS and unveiled at today’s CES) is a very smart fork. It can tell when you are being a pig and let’s you know it doesn’t like it. According to HAPILABS, you should feel full after about twenty minutes of steady eating. So when the fork senses you have shoveled one too many bites of pie into your mouth, it vibrates, encouraging you to put the fork down.

HAPIFork! It's just so happy. Photo Credit Unknown.
HAPIFork then relays your eating habits to your smartphone, tablet, or computer and tracks your progress, or lack there off. Not only that, you can also integrate HAPIFork into any social media outlet for all sorts embarrassing fun. But wait, there’s more! This fork will also kindly offer weightless suggestions! How thoughtful. And not to worry, the electronic handle detaches from the rest of the fork so you can clean it with ease.
You will find this smart fork on Kickstarter in March if all goes well. For $99 you can purchase a USB version (available in five colors!), whereas the wireless one will not be up for sale until 2014.
What else could you possibly want from a fork?
The Smartest Fork In The World.