DragonSteelMods posted a review on the Ladybug Mouse from USBGeek
The Ladybug Mouse from USBGeek
You really can't do much with your computer unless you have a mouse to go with it, and while there are many specialized mice out there, usually specific to gaming, the general use type mice tend to get overlooked or missed totally. Today for review I've got a themed general purpose mouse, from our friends at USBGeek, it looks like a ladybug, and depending what you'll be using it for you might very well be very happy with this mouse. Since it is a Ladybug Mouse it isn't going to make any guys out there very excited, but girls will like it (my wife does) and children will as well. From my time testing this mouse it seems like a fine general purpose mouse that basically does what it is intended to do, move the cursor around the screen and click on things...
The Ladybug Mouse from USBGeek