No, this is not the name of a Mexican fugitive.
It is the brain child of some really beautiful people whom I'd love to meet and buy dinner and thank for living.

The Burrito Bomber is the first unmanned burrito delivery system of its kind. Or, really, of any kind.
Created by Darwin Aerospace, and using a SkyWalker X8 Flying Wing as its drone of choice, this little darling delivers tasty burritos to your GPS coordinate! No matter where you are!
It is based on a very simple method of burrito delivery. You are hungry. You download the app (built in Flask, just so you know). Order your burrito you like. Your smartphone and the drone have a little tete`-a-teteĀ“ and boom, the drone shows up and dinner is served!

Here are some specs for all you curious people: The Darwin guys use Ardupilot to navigate, a Futaba 9C controller and EzUHF transmitter, a Quantum RTR Bomb System in addition to custom 3D printed parts as the delivery tube, and HTML5 Geolocation API for its GPS side of business.
There is just one minor hiccup in this Mexican feast.
The FAA currently bans the use of privately made drones to deliver food commercially. Wah wah wah.
But there is hope, my amigos! The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 basically says that the FAA has to revise and agree on legislator regarding drones (like the Burrito Bomber) by September 2015.
Until then, we must keep vigil and look to the skies for falling burritos.

It is the brain child of some really beautiful people whom I'd love to meet and buy dinner and thank for living.

The Burrito Bomber Squad. Photo from Darwin Aerospace.
The Burrito Bomber is the first unmanned burrito delivery system of its kind. Or, really, of any kind.
Created by Darwin Aerospace, and using a SkyWalker X8 Flying Wing as its drone of choice, this little darling delivers tasty burritos to your GPS coordinate! No matter where you are!
It is based on a very simple method of burrito delivery. You are hungry. You download the app (built in Flask, just so you know). Order your burrito you like. Your smartphone and the drone have a little tete`-a-teteĀ“ and boom, the drone shows up and dinner is served!

It really is that simple! Photo from Darwin Aerospace.
Here are some specs for all you curious people: The Darwin guys use Ardupilot to navigate, a Futaba 9C controller and EzUHF transmitter, a Quantum RTR Bomb System in addition to custom 3D printed parts as the delivery tube, and HTML5 Geolocation API for its GPS side of business.
There is just one minor hiccup in this Mexican feast.
The FAA currently bans the use of privately made drones to deliver food commercially. Wah wah wah.
But there is hope, my amigos! The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 basically says that the FAA has to revise and agree on legislator regarding drones (like the Burrito Bomber) by September 2015.
Until then, we must keep vigil and look to the skies for falling burritos.

A burrito like this could be coming to an airspace near you! Photo credit unknown.