TextWorx 1.7
TextWorx is a global text manipulator designed to provide you with numerous text-manipulation functions for use in any text editor you wish.
It includes a universal context menu and custom toolbar(s) that can be opened via hotkey. First, select your text, then call the menu, then the function that you wish to run against that text.
Default Global hotkeys (but you can customize them)
win+K to show the menu
win+shift+K to toggle the toolbar
After you have the menu open (or when you push a toolbar button):
hold shift to reverse the effect (in many cases)
hold control to work the effect on each line in the selection
hold control+shift to do both
For example, if you want to encase a word in double-quotes, just select the text, then select the function from the menu.
To remove double-quotes, hold shift when you select the function.
To encase each line in double-quotes, hold control when you select the function.
To remove double-quotes from each line, hold control+shift when you select the function.
TextWorx Features:
Universal context menu for text editors.
Use either Menu or Toolbar - both are completely customizable
Over 150 commands - many are unique to TextWorx
Completely customizable global hotkeys for Menu, Toolbar and for ANY Command
Modify single words or multiple lines.
Easily comment and uncomment code.
Quickly create HTML ordered/unordered lists and inserting HTML tags.
Number and renumber lines (complete with padding and custom number parameters).
Sort lines.
Insert preset text snippets and characters.
Insert the date in multiple fashions.
Quickly convert slashes.
Toolbar buttons for cut, copy paste using two clipboards
Paste as Text, and Send selection to Notepad
Search and Replace multiple criteria - for example: replace all State abbreviations with their names (and vice versa).
TextWorx 1.7
TextWorx is a global text manipulator designed to provide you with numerous text-manipulation functions for use in any text editor you wish.