Textify Portable allows for near-effortless copying of text from dialogue boxes. Also available as an installer.
Textify Portable is a valuable tool for extracting text from dialogue boxes that would otherwise be challenging. It is beneficial when you need to research a specific warning from a popup box quickly and easily without having to retype the entire text.
To view the text as selectable, you only need to hover over it and press Shift + Middle click. This simple action will allow you to select and copy the text as needed quickly. Textify Portable can also be launched with a hidden window using the -hidewnd command-line switch.
Textify Portable application includes a settings window with various options for copying text from different window screens or error messages. Users can copy text using the mouse buttons or create a custom key combination with Control, Alt, and Shift keys. It would be more convenient if users could set custom hotkeys to avoid conflicts with other frequently used applications, but this is not a deal killer.
Textify Portable is a helpful tool for users needing to copy error messages and then paste them into a search engine to find a solution.
Installer version is also available.
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