Overclockers Club published a review on the Tesoro Lobera Spectrum RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
A quote from the article:
A quote from the article:
Besides that, my list of issues is short, but an important factor. If you aren't tech savvy, this keyboard isn't for you. Simply put, Tesoro does not provide enough information to give any sense of what to do and it shouldn't have to be that hard! Adding to that, this keyboard flat out would not work on my Asus X79 Black Edition motherboard. It just kept locking up the BIOS unless I boot into Windows without the keyboard and then plugged it in afterwards. It would work for a few minutes and then completely freeze up. After a few months, I found Tesoro released a firmware update that had its own set of problems before finally being able to flash the firmware. With that all said and done, the keyboard finally worked on that computer. This is an issue. What if I didn't have a second computer to upgrade the firmware with? The answer is, I would have a worthless keyboard.Tesoro Lobera Spectrum RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Review @ OCC