Temporary Font Manager

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Temporary Font Manager is a portable app that permits the temporary loading fonts on your computer allowing for use with any program.

Temporary Font Manager is a portable app that permits the temporary loading fonts on your computer, allowing for use with any program.

It works with TTF (Raw TrueType Font), OTF (PostScript OpenType Font), and FON (Font Resource File) font files. It is the perfect solution for those working on shared computers that you do not want to load fonts onto for whatever reason or for those that utilize numerous font during the course of their day. It is simple to use and can quickly install fonts from any location like your hard drive, cloud storage, or USB device.

Any fonts installed with Temporary Font Manager are system-wide, making them available for all programs as long as the app is active. Upon closing pf Temporary Font Manager, it will automatically uninstall any temporarily installed fonts. It also supports the ability to load individual fonts, scanning of a folder including all sub-folders for available fonts, and supports drag and drop fonts from the Windows Explorer to further make the process fast and efficient.

How to Install or Uninstall Fonts in Windows
