XtremeResources is pleased to publish an incredibly informative guide by our member Kakaroto regarding the setup of TCCD memory on the DFI NF4 boards. These mainboards have become wildly popular in the enthusiast community and this in depth guide in setting up the bios properly, with it's myriad of ram timing settings, is invaluable to any DFI enduser but more importantly any enduser running this type of memory module on an NF4 board. This particular guide is also aimed at optomizing memory while utilizing the latest AMD A64 Venice and San Diego CPU's which utilize substantially improved memory controllers and the SSE3 instruction sets.
"Why the need for such a guide? on several web logs there are a lot of people who upgraded their S754 platform to the new S939 with PCI Express. This is because the FX processor is not the only CPU utilizing the socket 939 platform. Most of these people want high HTT speeds to overclock their processor and memory so they buy Samsung TCCD or low latency memory like Winbond BH5/UTT. Recently G.Skill PC4400/4800 became the most talked about memory on the market together with OCZ PC4800 based on Samsung TCCD. This memory requires a high HTT speed for ultimate performance, so the system must be overclocked."
The full guide can be found: Here
The full guide can be found: Here