Tank Wars 1.0

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Tank Wars is a multi-level game with the objective of protecting your base and destroying all incoming enemy tanks.

Tank Wars is a multi-level game with the objective of protecting your base and destroying all incoming enemy tanks.

You can choose from one of the four difficulty levels at the onset of your battle campaign. And then you will need to advance through 120 levels; this can be done in single player mode or with another player. You will need to successfully destroy all the enemy tanks in the level as well as preventing them from decimating your base. Otherwise, you will fail. In some of the levels, you will encounter mini-bosses, which will be difficult to defeat.

Tank Wars requires you to rely on battlefield strategy and tactics if you are to be victorious. You will need to utilize the terrain and camouflage to destroy your enemy in battle. There are also bonuses available to facilitate winning a level. There is also some decent background music (it can be turned on/off), and loads of cool sound effects to envelope you into battle mode. And with 120 levels you should be able to waste a bunch of time having fun destroying tanks!
