TAGAP 3 - The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins, is a platformer game with you playing the role of Pablo the penguin, stranded in a prison cell on an alien world. Escape, save the world and get home.
TAGAP 3 - The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins, is a platformer game with you playing the role of Pablo the penguin, stranded in a prison cell on an alien world. Escape, save the world and get home.
TAGAP 3 requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable for Visual Studio if you receive an error.
TAGAP 3 has a good amount of time invested in the storyline, including what happened in the previous two games, so we might as well give you that:
2006 – IAU ridicules Pluto by revoking its planetary status
2015 – NASA's New Horizons probe tries to spy on Pluto
20XX – Planet Pluto responds
And that response is a declaration of war. The only thing standing in between the approaching space penguin army and the unsuspecting Earth is one cyber-penguin, Pablo. Of course, thanks to their Prophet, the PlutoConclave knows this – and Pablo is thrown into a prison cell before he has any idea of what's going on. Now, stranded in a prison cell on an alien world, Pablo has to escape, save the world and somehow get back home. Oh, and in TAGAP 3 You are Pablo. Good luck!
After installation, you can choose to view the player's guide, which not only explains the game, power-ups, and characters but how to play including joystick setup.
Overall, we found TAGAP 3 to have a professional polish with high-quality music, graphics, and gameplay.