OCInside.de published Synology DS218+ NAS Review with Synology C2 Cloud Review and VPN Guide
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Everyone's talking about the cloud. In this way, large companies achieve a reduction in IT costs and shift responsibility to the cloud provider. But cloud storage is also becoming increasingly important for private users. The goal is to store large amounts of data securely and with high availability and to be able to access them from anywhere. However, the data should be stored in your own home if possible in order to have a certain degree of security. Therefore, today we would like to present a system that combines the advantages of both worlds. We are talking about the Network Attached Storage, NAS System DS218+ from Synology. We now show on OCinside.de that this NAS is much more than a simple data grave and we have even integrated a Synology C2 Cloud review as well as VPN guide!Synology DS218+ NAS Review with Synology C2 Cloud Review and VPN Guide