SuperF4 will quickly and fully kill user-selected foreground programs via the Ctrl+Alt+F4 keyboard command.

SuperF4 will quickly and fully kill user-selected foreground programs via the Ctrl+Alt+F4 keyboard command.
The actions provided by SuperF4 differ from pressing Alt+F4. When you press Alt+F4, the program can potentially refuse to quit. Windows will only request that the program quits, and allows it to decide for itself what to do. You can also kill a program by pressing Win+F4 and then clicking the window with your mouse cursor. You can press escape or the right mouse button to exit this mode without killing a program. Some games have anti-keylogger protection, which may prevent SuperF4 from working (it can't detect when you press Ctrl+Alt+F4). You can enable TimerCheck to use an alternate detection method.
SuperF4 is designed with simplicity in mind. When the need arises to shut down a non-responsive app, you can press Ctrl+Alt+F4 - that's it. The target process is killed instantly with no other action required on your part. There is also another kill option; xkill, this replaces the mouse pointer with a jolly roger offering point and kill for apps, etc.
