Super Amazing Quest is a 3D game where you follow the journey of a hero who decided to dedicate his life to saving princesses. The game has a Super Mario meets Minecraft meets something else vibe.
Super Amazing Quest is a 3D game where you follow the journey of a hero who decided to dedicate his life to saving princesses. The game has a Super Mario meets Minecraft meets something else vibe.
Along with your journey, you will collect potions, fight baddies, explore new landscapes, apply sunscreen to yourself, ride a flying carpet, explode stuff, and many more things.
The game was created after I started experimenting with game maker's D3D_ functions, and after I started it I decided I might as well finish it.
Hopefully, the (somewhat) immersive experience will make your day a little better.
Plus, it has Super Amazing in the title, so you almost have to try it?