Sumatra PDF 3.4.4

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Sumatra PDF is a slim, free, open-source PDF viewer designed for portable use so you can easily run it from an external USB drive.

Sumatra PDF is a slim, free, open-source PDF viewer designed for portable use so you can efficiently run it from an external USB drive.

It can be used to view documents in PDF, DjVu, CHM, and XPS formats and comic books and are extremely easy to use.

Sumatra PDF also allows you to perform the following functions: open PDF files via the menu and drag & drop. It can also page up and ´p´ for going to the previous page, page down and ´n´ for going to the next page, ´q´ to quit, and setting different zoom levels right from the menu.

How to Create a PDF in Windows
How to Enable Two-Page View for PDF Documents in Google Chrome
How to Stop Microsoft Edge From Opening PDF and HTML Files
