Star Wars: Squadrons is the modern starfighter we deserve

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Windows Central published Star Wars: Squadrons is the modern starfighter we deserve A quote from the article:
Multiplayer at its finest, campaign at its meh-est.

There's a Tie Interceptor locked on to me. The first missile just barely missed thanks to my well-timed countermeasures, but the second round will be ready before I can do that again. I set my deflector shield to focus behind me, cut my thrusters by half, and try to shake them while bracing for the inevitable volley of laser cannon fire. My opponent chases me through the shattered hull of a long wrecked Star Destroyer, desperate to even the score after I successfully eliminated three of its companions. I turn hard into a bit of hull with a massive gash in it, put all of my ship's power into my boosters, and flip my ship to greet my opponent head-on.
  Star Wars: Squadrons is the modern starfighter we deserve