SSuite NetVine LAN Suite

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SSuite NetVine LAN Suite is a full-featured server-less communications application for LAN and Wi-Fi networks.

SSuite NetVine LAN Suite

SSuite NetVine LAN Suite is a full-featured server-less communications application for LAN and Wi-Fi networks.

This revolutionary software application is the first ever to embrace true stand-alone communications processing in a local area networking environment that includes LAN and Wi-Fi.

Ever since it was released on the news that every known security and intelligence service is monitoring every Skype, instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook, and online e-mail account, internet users started to protect themselves against this invasion of privacy.

People love their privacy and will do everything possible to protect their messaging and communications from being intercepted, whether they are from governments or unscrupulous hackers. Now with SSSuite NetVine LAN Suite, you are able to go completely and absolutely off-line from the internet to continue having private chats and email with everyone sharing any local area network that is connected to you (LAN and Wi-Fi).

SSuite NetVine LAN Suite Features:

Active Inbox receiver
Fully dynamic network search
Completely and absolutely portable
Instant messaging (IM) to anyone on your network
Server-less connections over any LAN or Wi-Fi network
Fully encrypted and secure email capabilities over your network
Fast and direct file and document transfers with blind carbon copy
Fast and direct quick text and voice mail transfers with blind carbon copy

SSuite NetVine LAN Suite