Squid, Open-VM-Tools, Dotnet, and more updates for AlmaLinux 9

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A new AlmaLinux update is available: Squid, Open-VM-Tools, Dotnet, and more updates for AlmaLinux 9
The following updates has been released for AlmaLinux 9: ALSA-2023:5194 Important: frr security update ALSA-2023:5200 Important: firefox security update ALSA-2023:5214 Important: libwebp security update ALSA-2023:5224 Important: thunderbird security update ALSA-2023:5313 Important: open-vm-tools security update ALSA-2023:5363 Important: nodejs:18 security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:5434 Important: firefox security update ALSA-2023:5435 Important: thunderbird security update ALSA-2023:5453 Important: glibc security update ALSA-2023:5456 Important: python3.11 security update ALSA-2023:5459 Important: ghostscript security update ALSA-2023:5462 Important: python3.9 security update ALSA-2023:5532 Important: nodejs security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:5539 Important: libvpx security update ALSA-2023:5684 Important: galera and mariadb security update ALSA-2023:5689 Important: bind security update ALSA-2023:5708 Important: dotnet6.0 security update ALSA-2023:5711 Moderate: nginx security update ALSA-2023:5733 Moderate: java-1.8.0-openjdk security update ALSA-2023:5738 Important: go-toolset and golang security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:5744 Moderate: java-11-openjdk security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:5749 Important: .NET 7.0 security update ALSA-2023:5753 Moderate: java-17-openjdk security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:5763 Important: curl security update ALSA-2023:5765 Important: nodejs security update ALSA-2023:5838 Important: nghttp2 security update ALSA-2023:5849 Important: nodejs:18 security update ALSA-2023:5867 Moderate: grafana security update ALSA-2023:5924 Important: varnish security update ALSA-2023:5926 Important: php security update ALSA-2023:5929 Important: tomcat security update ALSA-2023:6077 Moderate: toolbox security update ALSA-2023:6120 Moderate: nginx:1.22 security update ALSA-2023:6167 Low: libguestfs-winsupport security update ALSA-2023:6188 Important: firefox security update ALSA-2023:6191 Important: thunderbird security update ALSA-2023:6242 Moderate: .NET 6.0 security update ALSA-2023:6246 Moderate: .NET 7.0 security update ALSA-2023:6265 Important: ghostscript security update ALSA-2023:6266 Critical: squid security update ALSA-2023:6316 Low: pcs security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6324 Moderate: python3.11-pip security update ALSA-2023:6330 Moderate: edk2 security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6340 Moderate: xorg-x11-server security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6341 Moderate: xorg-x11-server-Xwayland security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6343 Moderate: LibRaw security update ALSA-2023:6346 Moderate: toolbox security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6363 Moderate: skopeo security update ALSA-2023:6365 Moderate: mod_auth_openidc security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6368 Moderate: qemu-kvm security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6369 Moderate: qt5 security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6371 Moderate: cloud-init security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6372 Low: gdb security update ALSA-2023:6380 Moderate: runc security update ALSA-2023:6385 Moderate: liblouis security update ALSA-2023:6402 Moderate: containernetworking-plugins security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6403 Moderate: httpd and mod_http2 security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6409 Moderate: libvirt security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6420 Moderate: grafana security and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6429 Low: libpq security update ALSA-2023:6431 Moderate: libfastjson security update ALSA-2023:6434 Moderate: frr security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6469 Moderate: wireshark security update ALSA-2023:6473 Moderate: buildah security update ALSA-2023:6474 Moderate: podman security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6482 Moderate: librabbitmq security update ALSA-2023:6492 Moderate: tang security update ALSA-2023:6494 Moderate: python3.11 security update ALSA-2023:6496 Moderate: haproxy security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6497 Moderate: libX11 security update ALSA-2023:6508 Moderate: libreoffice security update ALSA-2023:6518 Moderate: flatpak security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6523 Moderate: python-tornado security update ALSA-2023:6524 Moderate: dnsmasq security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6535 Important: webkit2gtk3 security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6539 Moderate: perl-CPAN security update ALSA-2023:6542 Moderate: perl-HTTP-Tiny security update ALSA-2023:6544 Moderate: ghostscript security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6549 Moderate: libreswan security update ALSA-2023:6551 Moderate: yajl security update ALSA-2023:6566 Moderate: libmicrohttpd security update ALSA-2023:6569 Moderate: sysstat security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6570 Moderate: tomcat security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6575 Moderate: libtiff security update ALSA-2023:6578 Moderate: libqb security update ALSA-2023:6587 Low: opensc security update ALSA-2023:6593 Moderate: binutils security update ALSA-2023:6595 Important: linux-firmware security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6596 Moderate: cups security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6615 Moderate: python-cryptography security update ALSA-2023:6621 Moderate: protobuf-c security update ALSA-2023:6631 Low: glib2 security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6632 Low: shadow-utils security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6635 Moderate: c-ares security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6643 Moderate: libssh security update ALSA-2023:6659 Moderate: python3.9 security update ALSA-2023:6661 Low: gmp security and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6667 Moderate: samba security, bug fix, and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6679 Moderate: curl security update ALSA-2023:6685 Low: tpm2-tss security and enhancement update ALSA-2023:6694 Moderate: python-pip security update ALSA-2023:6698 Moderate: ncurses security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6699 Moderate: krb5 security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6705 Low: procps-ng security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6707 Moderate: avahi security update ALSA-2023:6712 Moderate: python-wheel security update ALSA-2023:6732 Important: ghostscript security update ALSA-2023:6738 Moderate: java-21-openjdk security and bug fix update ALSA-2023:6744 Moderate: samba security update ALSA-2023:6745 Important: curl security update ALSA-2023:6746 Important: nghttp2 security update ALSA-2023:6748 Critical: squid security update ALSA-2023:7253 Moderate: dotnet8.0 security update ALSA-2023:7255 Moderate: dotnet7.0 security update ALSA-2023:7257 Moderate: dotnet6.0 security update ALSA-2023:7277 Important: open-vm-tools security update ALSA-2023:7465 Important: squid security update
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