Squid, NSS, Jenkins, Red Hat Certificate System, and more updates for RHEL
The following Red Hat Enterprise Linux updates are available: RHSA-2024:0773: Important: squid:4 security update RHSA-2024:0772: Important: squid:4 security update RHSA-2024:0786: Moderate: nss security update RHSA-2024:0785: Moderate: nss security update RHSA-2024:0775: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update RHSA-2024:0778: Important: Jenkins and Jenkins-2-plugins security update RHSA-2024:0777: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update RHSA-2024:0776: Important: jenkins and jenkins-2-plugins security update RHSA-2024:0774: Moderate: Red Hat Certificate System 10.4 for RHEL 8 security and bug fix update RHSA-2024:0793: Important: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 4.0.3 release security update RHSA-2024:0792: Moderate: Red Hat Integration Camel for Spring Boot 3.20.5 release and security update RHSA-2024:0790: Moderate: nss security update RHSA-2024:0791: Moderate: nss security update RHSA-2024:0789: Important: Red Hat Build of Apache Camel 4.0 for Quarkus 3.2 release (RHBQ 3.2.10.Final)
Squid, NSS, Jenkins, Red Hat Certificate System, and more updates for RHEL
A new Red Hat Linux update has been published. Squid, NSS, Jenkins, Red Hat Certificate System, and more updates for RHEL